Apple Forestry Shebang!
Apple Forestry Shebang!
Vergennes, VT
The confluence of holistic orcharding might suggest we can evoke the wild apple forests of Kazakhstan in producing organic fruit for our communities. Apply principles of agroforestry, dip rootstock in mycorrhizal inoculum, sing the wassail song, and voilá! . . . the apple harvest arrives with plent…
Saturday, April 8 2017
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Mushroom Cultivation for Forest and Garden
Mushroom Cultivation for Forest and Garden
Richmond, VT
Join Ari Rockland-Miller, co-founder of The Mushroom Forager for a hands-on workshop exploring log-grown shiitake cultivation. We'll also inoculate a garden bed with soil-building winecap mushrooms. Take home your own shiitake log, fruiting for several years! ( $35.00 pe…
Saturday, May 30 2015
10:00 AM
12:00 PM